If you want to acquire cutting-edge security, the AZ-104: MICROSOFT 365 Security Administration exam will help you achieve this goal. After completing this test, you will be awarded the highly prestigious certification of MICROSOFT 365 Certified: Security Administrator Associate. In this post, we will discuss what to expect from this qualifying exam and how you can pass it in one go!
Table of Contents
Is MICROSOFTAZ-104 Exam Suitable for You?
The MICROSOFTAZ-104 exam is designed for the professionals performing MICROSOFT Security Administrators, Network Administrators, and Server Administrators. Before going for this certification test, you need to ensure that you possess the knowledge and experience required. The target candidates for the AZ-104 exam need to have a good understanding of MICROSOFT 365 workloads and profound expertise in security management, identity protection, threat protection, information protection, and data governance.
Besides that, the individuals aspiring to pass the MICROSOFTAZ-104 exam should have experience with Windows 10 devices and Office 365. They need to possess a fundamental understanding of MICROSOFT Azure, computer networks, and authorization and authentication. Lastly, the potential test-takers need to have a working knowledge of managing mobile devices.
What to Expect fromMICROSOFTAZ-104 Exam?
Like most MICROSOFT certification tests, the AZ-104 exam is made up of 40-60 questions. Various types will be administered during this test. They include active screen, build list, best answer, case studies, drag and drop, hot area, multiple-choice, mark review, short answer, and so on. The individuals are given a total of 120 minutes to complete this exam. To excel in the test and qualify for the associated certificate, the candidates need to reach a passing score not lower than 700 points out of 1000. The exam is available in two languages (English and Japanese) and requires a registration fee of $165.
What Preparation Tips Are Ideal for MICROSOFTAZ-104 Exam?
The AZ-104: MICROSOFT 365 Security Administration exam is a popular IT test, so it will not be difficult to find the relevant preparation resources. It is recommended that you start studying for the exam by looking through the skills outline available on the official webpage. After that, you can proceed with other materials, including dedicated training courses, video tutorials, books, practice tests, and more. If you opt for a traditional textbook style of learning, we recommend that you take advantage of the MICROSOFT 365 Security Administration: AZ-104 Exam Guide by Peter Rising. If you want to learn from the seasoned experts in the field, you can enroll in the instructor-led course, which is AZ-104T00-A: MICROSOFT 365 Security Administration. Don’t miss the chance to evaluate your readiness for the exam with the help of practice tests. You can purchase them on the vendor’s site or refer to other online platforms.
Related Links:
Real Microsoft AZ-104 Exam Dumps Questions ( Certbolt.com )
Real Microsoft AZ-204 Exam Dumps Questions ( Certbolt.com )
Real Microsoft AZ-303 Exam Dumps Questions ( Certbolt.com )
Real Microsoft AZ-304 Exam Dumps Questions ( Certbolt.com)
Real Microsoft AZ-400 Exam Dumps Questions ( Certbolt.com )
TheMICROSOFTAZ-104exam can bring you plenty of benefits, especially when it comes to facilitating your career growth and increasing your salary potential. All you need to do to enjoy these perks is to set a study plan and start your preparation as soon as possible!