Have you ever written an essay or thesis without helpful and excellent writing companies including thesisgeek.com/master.php that you were so proud of that you wanted to read it out loud to everyone who would listen? Yeah, neither have we. But I’ve written plenty of college essays that have gotten people accepted into the colleges of their choice that I no longer need someone to write my essay for me, and so can you! Follow these six easy steps to writing the best essay in college, and you’ll be well on your way to admission at your dream school!
Table of Contents
1) Determine your Topic
The hardest part of writing a quality essay is figuring out what you’re going to write about. To decide on your topic, start by brainstorming different ideas and then choosing one that you feel passionately about. Once you’ve decided on your topic, jot down your essay prompt and get ready for step two: outlining.
2) Explain why this topic matters
There are a few different ways to tackle why you should write an essay. First, explain why writing is important and why your teacher wants you to do it. Next, explain what kind of essay you should be writing (e.g., analysis or research) and why that kind of essay is appropriate for what your teacher asked for. Last, offer some tips on how to actually go about writing said essay. For example, if you’re supposed to analyze something, give students some tips on how they can go about doing so effectively: First read over your sources carefully; then ask yourself these questions: Who wrote each source? What were they trying to say? Are there any specific details I can pull out from these sources? How does each source relate back to my thesis statement?
3) Brainstorm Prompts
The easiest way to write a quality essay is first to come up with an idea. Think of something that’s been weighing on your mind or has been especially relevant in recent days, weeks, or months and see if you can’t craft an entire essay around that idea. You may need some prompting to get your creativity flowing. Here are some prompts you can use Write about a time when…Write about your favorite memory from childhood…Write about what it means to be successful…What is happiness? How do you define it? What makes you happy?Write about something that made you cry recently…When was the last time someone really hurt your feelings? How did they do it? What did they say or do that was so painful for you?
4) Review Prompts for Accuracy and Relevance
The prompts on your exam are (hopefully) there for a reason. Review them to make sure you’re on track and prepared. Remind yourself of everything that you know and are comfortable with, so when it comes time to write, you don’t have to spend too much time thinking about what happens next. It also helps to look at some sample answers from past exams; although these won’t be identical to yours, they can give you an idea of how well-written essays should look.
5) Write Your First Draft
The best way to get started is to start writing. Put pen (or finger) to keyboard and just write whatever comes into your head. It doesn’t matter how bad it is—you can always throw it away. The only real objective here is that you just need to start writing, so don’t stress about having a complete idea of what you want your essay to be about at first. Just get something down on paper and move on from there! This is also an important step because if you put off starting for too long, your brain will come up with excuses not to do it. So do yourself a favor and just sit down and start typing; it will seem easier once you actually get going.
6) Revise Your Essay
Rereading your essay is a great way to spot holes and inconsistencies, as well as make sure your arguments hold up. It’s also a good way to build confidence going into that first draft. Don’t just reread for errors; try to notice where you struggled with clarity or ran out of steam. You might also try looking at your essays after some time has passed—you may be able to see patterns of success or failure that were harder for you to identify while they were happening.
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