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Location-Based Application Development: Does Your Business Need That?

Location-based programs simplify our life, making everything accessible and clear. We know where that store is and how long it takes to walk there. We can see people in our area who might become our friends or romantic interests. We can track our orders and plan when we go to the post to get our goods. That system is a must in an Internet-driven society, where our plane of existence has no limits and boundaries, as we still must consider our location.

That is 100% relevant for businesses, as they often have two forms of existence: the Internet and the physical. Even if your buyers tend to order 60% of your offers online, there are still clients and customers who will walk to your store or office. When your business has branches, it becomes even more important to hire mobile app development services from companies like Henrik Bolte, to ensure your clients know that there is a store of your brand near them. Yet, let us dive deeper.

What Location-Based Apps Are in Practice

In theory, a location-based application is any software that utilizes geodata to provide its function. In practice, it is an app with one of these five functions:

In practice, that is a program that communicates with other systems letting people use maps or GPS to show real-time information. The app can track the movements of an object or person in question or give us data on our surroundings. It is still a relevant technology as there are inaccuracies inherent in any GPS.

GPS tracking applications are very popular among sports and fitness enthusiasts, as they allow people to map their routes, track their progress, and find the best training conditions in their area. Geotagging is also a relevant technology as it allows us to see the location of certain photos or videos.

Geomarketing applications are used by businesses to target ads to people who are near their physical locations. For example, if you are looking for a new pair of shoes, you may get an ad from a nearby store that is having a sale. 

Geosocial networking applications are used to connect people who are in the same general vicinity. These apps can be used for dating, making friends, or networking for business purposes.

Many other location-based app ideas have not been developed yet. The possibilities are endless!

What Industries Benefit from Location-Based Apps the Most

The most obvious industry that can benefit from location-based apps is the retail industry. If you own a brick-and-mortar store, it is essential to have a mobile application that will allow your customers to find you easily. You can also use location-based push notifications to inform your customers about sales or special events at your store.

Other industries that can benefit from location-based applications include:

Developing a location-based application for your business is worth considering if you are in any of these industries.

What Are the Disadvantages of Location-Based Apps?

There are a few disadvantages of location-based apps that you should be aware of before you decide to develop one for your business.

If you decide to develop a location-based app for your business, you need to make sure that you consider these disadvantages carefully. You will also need to ensure that you have a strong marketing plan to make sure that people download and use your app.

3 Things to Remember when You Plan to Develop a Location-Based App

It must work for iOS and Android

Creating an app for one system and neglecting another means prioritizing one segment of your customers and losing everyone else. Optimization will demand your contributions and money, but that will bring only more positives. Hence, ensure that your project is helpful for people with different devices.

All users must find what they want in two taps!!

The essence of any application is delivering a solution to the user as fast as possible. On average, an individual will wait no more than 3 seconds for an app to load content. The shorter this time, the fewer people you lose along the way. Moreover, there must be logical categorization — no customer will wander a labyrinth of an app. 

Do not overuse geolocation

Limit geolocation features to tasks like finding the nearest store or ordering a taxi. If the app starts asking, “Allow access to your location?” too often, users may get irritated and abandon the project. Besides, if an app tracks a person’s movements all the time, it may become a potential privacy hazard.

Final Words

A location-based app can be a great asset for your business, but you need to make sure that you consider the disadvantages carefully before you decide to develop one. If you are still unsure if a location-based app is right for your business, you can contact a narrowly-focused mobile app development company to discuss your options. May your project be stellar and bring you more profits!

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