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How to Boost Satellite Internet Faster

Satellite internet is not the best internet connection available at the moment, but it’s one of the best choices for people in rural areas. Even with the slowest satellite internet plan, it can still give you enough speed to get your work done, whether surfing the web, sending and receiving emails, or online video conferencing. However, if you find satellite internet slower than it used to be, you’ve got some troubleshooting to do.

But before you turn your computer desk upside down, remember that you will only need to focus on optimizing your modem and router and adjusting your satellite dish. So let’s get into the step-by-step guide to boosting your satellite internet.

Check Your Satellite Dish and Cables

First, begin on your satellite dish or receive, and see if it’s the one causing the slow internet speed.

Go outside and check if there are visible damages to your satellite dish and cables. It can be dangerous to go up the roof, especially since most households have their satellite dish in this area. If you think that you are not fit for checking the dish and cables close up, make sure to ask someone capable of doing it to prevent accidents.

Once you or someone has already gotten up close with the receiver and cables, check if there are chips, cracks, and other signs of damage. Some animals love nibbling on wires and cables, so keep an eye out for it when checking your cables. You should also make sure that they aren’t loose on the part where they connect to the satellite dish.

While you’re near your satellite dish, make sure to remove any grime, debris, snow, or other obstructions that might be affecting your signal. It involves leaf piles, broken branches, and other garbage caught by your dish.

In most cases, your satellite dish should be pointed towards the southern sky. If you suspect that your receiver is improperly positioned, it’s best to get in touch with your satellite internet provider and ask them to reposition it as soon as possible. While you may be tempted to do it yourself to skip the hassle and waiting time for both you and your internet provider, we highly recommend you wait for your provider for this matter.

The reason is your satellite internet technician knows the proper configuration of your satellite dish’s orientation to match the coordinates that can give you fast internet. These coordinates depend on your home and location.

Check Your Router and Modem

Once you’ve done everything for your satellite dish, it’s time to head back inside and start troubleshooting your modem and router.

Whenever any kind of internet issues arise, you will notice that most representatives you talk to on the phone recommend you to restart your modem and router. This “power cycle” method can help you reset a slow internet connection. If you don’t know the proper way of rebooting your modem and router, here’s how it works.

First, unplug your router and modem and leave them unplugged for around 30 seconds to a minute. Then, plug your modem first and let it boot up for around two to three minutes. Once your modem is booted correctly, plug your router and wait for around the same time for it to boot up. After that, perform a speed test and see if it improved your internet speed.

Updating your router’s firmware gives your router the proper support to operate optimally. If you don’t know where to look for the latest firmware of your router, you’ll mostly see it on the manufacturer’s website, such as TP-Link, Linksys, ASUS, and NETGEAR. The websites of these router manufacturers usually allow you to find your router’s firmware only with its model name or number.

Sometimes, the culprit of a slow internet connection is the incorrect placement of your router. Your router is the device responsible for transmitting signals throughout your home so that your devices can connect to your home internet. If you’ve placed it in the corner of your house, you’re likely wasting half of the signal you should be getting inside your house.

The best thing is to move it to the central part of your home or near the rooms or areas you usually stay where you need an internet connection. Also, if you see antennas from your router (others have many, while others have built-in antennas you cannot see from the outside), it’s best to position them in different directions instead of pointing them in the same direction. This way, you can maximize the coverage of your router.

If you live in a large house where you experience many dead spots or areas with no internet connection, you can use a Wi-Fi extender or install a mesh Wi-Fi system to ensure no dead zones are around your house.

If your internet connection is not getting any better, you might want to try using an ethernet cable whenever you can. So, for example, if you’ve been having trouble connecting to video conferences or sending emails, connect your laptop or personal computer to your router via ethernet cable. This way, you’ll have a more stable internet speed compared to a wireless connection.

If All Else Fails

If you’ve done everything you can to boost your satellite internet’s speed, but nothing worked, it’s best to consider switching to other satellite internet providers. While you may have limited options for this type of internet connection, you will surely find a better provider in your area that can give you better internet speeds. However, it’s important to take note that you won’t receive a higher speed than what you’re paying for, so manage your expectations as you follow this guide. If you’re unhappy with your current satellite internet, make sure to talk with your provider first and see what they can do.

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