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Continuous Delivery for Mobile Applications: Pros and Cons

What Is Continuous Delivery?

Continuous delivery (CD) is a software development practice in which code changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed to production as soon as they are committed. This allows for faster and more frequent releases, and enables teams to quickly respond to customer feedback and fix bugs. 

CD is typically achieved by automating the entire deployment pipeline, from building and testing code changes to deploying them to various environments, such as development, staging, and production. 

Here is a general overview of how continuous delivery works in application development:

Is Continuous Delivery Right for You? Pros and Cons

Continuous delivery can be a beneficial practice for many organizations, but it may not be the right fit for every team or project. Some of the pros of using continuous delivery include:

However, there are also some cons to consider when deciding whether to use continuous delivery:

Continuous Delivery Best Practices for Mobile App Development

Here are best practices that can help teams ensure code changes are automatically built, tested, and deployed to production safely and efficiently:

Start with CI

Continuous integration (CI) is the foundation of continuous delivery, and it’s important to have a solid CI process in place before attempting to implement CD. This means that code changes are automatically built, tested, and integrated with the main branch as soon as they are committed. This helps to catch issues early and ensure that code changes are always in a releasable state.

Define a Cadence

Once a solid CI process is in place, it’s important to define a cadence for releases. This means setting a schedule for when code changes will be deployed to production and communicating this schedule to all stakeholders. Having a clear release schedule helps to ensure that code changes are deployed in a predictable and consistent manner.

Measure Stability & Performance

It’s important to measure the stability and performance of mobile app builds before they are deployed to production. This can be done by automating the testing process and using tools to monitor app performance in different environments. Measuring stability and performance helps to ensure that the app is functioning as expected and that any issues are identified and addressed before they reach production.

Communicating with Testers

CD requires close collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams. It’s important to communicate with testers throughout the development process to ensure that they have access to the latest builds and that any issues are identified and addressed in a timely manner.

Prioritize Consistency

Ensuring consistency across the entire development lifecycle and the codebase can help ensure that code changes are deployed in a predictable and reliable manner. This can lead to faster and more frequent releases, improved collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams, and increased agility in responding to customer feedback and changing business requirements.


In conclusion, continuous delivery can be a valuable practice for mobile app development teams, as it allows for faster and more frequent releases, improved collaboration, increased agility, and improved quality. However, it’s important to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of continuous delivery to determine whether it’s the right fit for your team or project. 

CD can be complex to implement and maintain, and it can increase the risk of issues occurring in production. It also requires significant investment in tools, infrastructure, and staff training. To implement continuous delivery effectively, teams should start by implementing a solid CI process, defining a cadence for releases, and setting up a well-defined and consistent process. 

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