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8 Tips on How to Create a Web Design for Dark Mode

The growing interest in night themes continues to gain momentum. Are you considering implementing a dark mode for your design?  This article will delve into 8 expert tips for crafting an ideal dark custom WordPress website design.

What is Dark Web Design?

Dark UI design, also known as a dark mode or night mode, involves using a black-and-white color scheme in the user interface. This creates high contrast where foreground elements stand out against a black backdrop. The concept gained popularity with the introduction of macOS Mojave’s dark mode in 2018, although it has roots in early web design and the green-on-black monitors of the 1980s.

This style is now widely used across various platforms, such as mobile devices, desktops, and smart TVs. Major tech companies like Google and Apple have incorporated dark mode into their interfaces and popular video-sharing websites like YouTube and Twitter.

Consider the following 8 tips for creating a dark mode web design for dark UI.

How to Create a Web Design for Dark Mode

1. Don’t Use Pure Black

It may be tempting to use pure black (#000000) and white (#FFFFFF) when creating dark themes due to the high contrast they provide. However, using only these pure colors can lead to distracting foreground and background contrast. To avoid this issue, consider utilizing various shades of gray instead of pure black and white. This approach allows for a more harmonious color scheme while achieving a dark theme effect. Additionally, incorporating different shades of gray can help align the overall appearance with the brand’s primary hue if desired.

2. Avoid Using Shadows

The primary purpose of shadows in a user interface is to create a subtle elevation effect, distinguishing foreground elements from the background. This works well in a bright theme, where white backgrounds and black shadows complement each other effectively.

However, things become challenging in a darker setting. In such cases, there may not be enough contrast between a dark background and an equally dark shadow. This can lead to two possible scenarios, which are rarely beneficial:

  1. Avoid having the shadow blend too much with the background. It’s easy to assume that it will naturally stand out because the backdrop is dark gray, and the shadow is pure black. However, unless someone makes an effort or has excellent vision, they might not notice your intended shadow effect.
  2. Ensure the shadow isn’t brighter than its associated element — a unique user interface design becomes essential.

3. Opt for Subtle Accent Colors

When designing interfaces, it’s crucial to consider the legibility of text, symbols, and buttons in different lighting conditions. Avoiding overly vibrant “neon” hues is particularly important when working with dark backgrounds. It’s important to note that colors will appear much more prominent in dark mode compared to regular light settings. Therefore, it’s best always to steer clear of extremely bright and intense colors. Additionally, conducting thorough accessibility checks for color contrast is essential.

4. Maintain Brand Identity

Maintaining your brand’s distinct identity is crucial. While keeping the same mood in bright and dark UIs is logical, the latter may evoke different emotions. Adapting your brand voice to reflect the darker setting is essential for striking a balance. Even with new hues, conveying the intended palette’s feelings is crucial. Conveying the same feeling using identical color schemes in both circumstances can be challenging, so exploring various emotional avenues for each is recommended.

Consider highlighting the shadowy aspect of your brand – this can add depth and breadth to your product’s brand identity while maintaining professionalism throughout these considerations.

5. Mind Color Contrast

The idea that “usability is more important than aesthetics” is a valuable principle to consider when designing themes. However, an even more crucial consideration is convenience. By ensuring that your website meets accessibility standards, you can address both aspects effectively.

Adhering to accessibility standards enhances the product’s usability and eliminates the need to figure out optimal color contrast values. Tools like Accessible Colors offer recommendations for ensuring accessibility.

6. Allow Dark Mode Switching

Many websites and apps offer a “night mode” that automatically switches at certain times or on specific days (such as Halloween for a spooky look). While this is convenient, allowing users to switch between modes would be even better. By enabling users to make choices about the product’s features, you empower them. Customizability is often a top-selling feature because it gives consumers a sense of control while maintaining their security.

In line with the previous point, allowing users to toggle settings shows respect for their preferences. This approach caters to those who prefer bright colors and those who favor darker ones.

7. Explain Complex Ideas

When creating a web design for dark mode, using a flat layout is not mandatory. It’s crucial to ensure that the visual hierarchy of the interface is communicated to the user. If we determine that dark mode shadows may not suit our design, what other options can we explore? Here are some robust tools:

8. Mind Color Contrast

Select a color combination that offers sufficient contrast to ensure the legibility of the text. As per the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0), the minimum recommended contrast ratio for regular text or images containing text is 4.5:1. In contrast, for large text (at least 18 points or bolded at 14 points), it is advised to have a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1.

When to Use a Dark UI Design?

Implementing a web design for dark mode can greatly enhance the modern appearance of your website or app. It has the potential to prolong battery life and alleviate the risk of eye strain. Nonetheless, it’s important to consider that black user interfaces may not be suitable for all types of software; it’s essential to always take into account your target audience and brand identity.

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