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4 Facts You Might Not Know About Application Dependencies

What are Application Dependencies?

Application dependencies are the external components or libraries that an application needs in order to run. These dependencies might include other software libraries, frameworks, or even other applications. They can be thought of as building blocks that are used to create a more complex system.

For example, a web application might depend on a web framework such as Ruby on Rails or Django, and that framework might, in turn, depend on other libraries for handling HTTP requests, parsing JSON, etc. These libraries are all dependencies of the application.

Managing dependencies is an important part of software development, as it can greatly simplify the process of building and deploying applications. By identifying and managing dependencies, developers can more easily ensure that their applications will run on different systems and environments, and they can also more easily update and maintain the applications over time.

There are several ways to manage dependencies:

By utilizing these tools, developers can ensure that their applications have the correct dependencies and that those dependencies are all compatible with one another, reducing the potential for conflicts or errors.

Facts You Didn’t Know About Application Dependencies

There are 6 Types of Software Dependencies

There are several different types of software dependencies, including:

  1. Direct dependencies: These are the dependencies that an application directly depends on in order to run. For example, a web application might depend on a specific version of a web framework or a library for handling HTTP requests.
  2. Indirect dependencies: These are dependencies that are required by the direct dependencies of an application. For example, a web framework might depend on a library for parsing JSON, and that library might depend on other libraries for handling data manipulation or encryption.
  3. Runtime dependencies: These are dependencies that are required for the application to run. For example, an application might depend on a specific version of a programming language interpreter or a specific version of a database management system.
  4. Development dependencies: These are dependencies that are only required during the development of an application and not in a production environment. For example, a developer might use a specific version of a testing framework to test their code, and this dependency would not be required on the production server.
  5. External dependencies: These are dependencies that are not part of the application but are required for the application to run. These can include, for example, specific versions of libraries or frameworks that are not included with the application or external services such as databases or APIs.
  6. Transitive Dependencies: These are dependencies that are automatically pulled in by other packages. For example, if package A depends on package B and package B depends on package C, Package A will also have a transitive dependency on package C.

Managing these different types of dependencies is an important part of software development and can help ensure that an application runs correctly and can be easily maintained over time.

Application Dependencies Have a Major Impact on Cloud Migration

When migrating an application to the cloud, it’s important to carefully consider the dependencies of the application, as they can have a significant impact on the performance, cost, and security of the application.


The dependencies of an application need to be compatible with the cloud environment in which the application is being deployed. For example, if an application relies on a specific version of a library or framework that is not available in the cloud environment, the application may not function correctly.


Dependencies can also have a significant impact on the performance of an application. For example, if an application relies on a database that is not optimized for cloud environments, the performance of the application may be greatly impacted. Additionally, some dependencies might not be designed for the scale of cloud computing.


Dependencies can also impact the cost of running an application in the cloud. Some dependencies might require additional resources or services, which can increase the cost of running the application. Therefore it’s important to consider the dependencies and the resources they might require when planning to migrate your app to the cloud, this can also help to optimize cloud costs after migration, because dependencies might have a direct impact on costs.

Application Dependencies Can Be a Major Security Risk

Software dependencies can introduce security risks in several ways:

To mitigate these risks, it’s important to keep dependencies up-to-date and to verify that they are secure. Developers should also avoid using deprecated dependencies and use transitive dependency management to keep track of all the dependencies used in their applications. 

It’s also a good practice to test the dependencies alongside the application. Regular security audits and vulnerability scanning of the dependencies can help to identify and fix potential vulnerabilities.

Additionally, using a package manager that has security features, like package signing and security alerts, can further help to identify and prevent issues that could arise due to dependencies.

Open Source Dependencies Present Unique Challenges

Open-source dependencies can provide many benefits to software development, but they can also present some challenges.

To take advantage of the benefits of open-source dependencies while minimizing the risks, it’s important to use well-vetted, widely-used open-source dependencies that are regularly updated and have a large and active community of developers. 

It’s also a good practice to use package managers that can help manage and automate the process of updating and tracking dependencies. Regularly monitoring and scanning the dependencies for vulnerabilities can also help to identify and fix any potential security issues.


In conclusion, application dependencies play a critical role in the development and deployment of software systems. They are the building blocks that allow developers to create complex systems more efficiently and effectively. However, managing dependencies can be a complex task, as they can introduce security risks and can make the application less scalable. As such, it’s important for developers to be aware of the different types of dependencies and how they can impact the performance and security of their applications.

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